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Modern Living Supplies


MLS Web Storefront Launch Is Live

Posted on Tuesday, June 30, 2009

To all those who have followed my business via the Internet and my 2 locations over the past 8 years, thank you for your continued interest and support. As many of my longtime customers know, I started in a small ex-bodega storefront in South Williamsburg—pre-9/11 and before the unbelievable housing boom—with my energy and passion for furniture, and have persevered over the years to be in this position today.

With my showroom now based in Manhattan, and my client base reaching from New York to Los Angeles along with international dealings, I would say it has been a good start to my ever-changing business. As my showroom is now more often frequented by designers, decorators and those who first shop online for their needs, I felt it was imperative to bring my web presence up to speed to complement the in-store experience I strive to provide my clients. I believe we are capable of doing almost anything within the scope of home design, and this new site articulates what we can do for you, not only as a source for Mid-Century antiques but also top-quality bespoke furnishings.
My training and experiences over the past 18 years have translated into a full-service business that I believe is unique to other showrooms because of my approach: to serve my clientele across all levels of their furniture needs. I look forward to assisting clients when they are searching for an antique item, but realize that my custom furniture options are also often the perfect complement to their specific wishes.
Our new website is here to act as an online showroom where you can browse the current selection of antiques, see what new custom projects we have fabricated or simply learn more about our extensive range of services. Monthly live auctions, weekly articles and live chat support during store hours will make visiting our new website more like being at the showroom than ever before. I look forward to your comments and feedback and, as always, thank those who have supported me throughout the years. Mark Naylon

Posted by Mark Naylon on 06/30/09 at 05:29 PM / (7) comments


Fantastic job, Mark. Everything looks great!

DFB, on 04/27/09

congratulations, mark.  it is so lovely!

mn brooklyn, on 04/27/09

looks amazing.
so happy for you!

abhr, on 04/28/09

Wow. The web store is amazing. The ease of use and the beautiful presentation is stunning. Looks fantastic, I could spend all day browsing here. Congratulations, I will be back to visit often.

joey nigh, on 04/29/09

I thought your original site was impressive but it pales in comparison to your new web home. For the unfortunates the aren’t able to experience your amazing showroom this is the next best thing.

Peter David, on 04/30/09

Looks fantastic Mark. I want that cubist mirror!!!

dylan griffin, on 04/30/09

I have know Mark for years and this well crafted site is what I would expect….Very Nice!

Jad, on 05/14/09

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